Wednesday, November 2, 2011

HTML5: An early app

"Blobby." Drag and throw the orange creature:

  • Dragging is possible with touchscreen devices, but we're not capturing the dragging "start" event yet. 
  • The character is a <div> using jquery.jmovie to control a sequence of png images exported from Flash. 
    • Svgs are not used, to allow display in Android
    • jmovie is not showing any animation, since it is called on each frame - flags are needed to show when the "turnLeft"/"turnRight" animations are completed. Some elegant logic is called for here.

  • The VerletSystem from is used to create the structures in a Canvas tag, 
    • Performance on mobile is very choppy
    • I modified the js to allow "sticks" to be removed dynamically -- this creates a lot of possibilities for collapsing structures
    • Further mods would allow sticks to collide and break
  • A "_dragging" flag on the character div is crucial - when it is released, it is moved by a point in the VerletSystem, when dragging, the character div moves that point.
  • Canvas aligns well with other divs, raising possibilities for integrating Canvas-based animations with images, text, etc.
    • An Illustrator plugin allows export to Canvas code
    • A script is required to make Cnavas work on IE8 - even then it's chopppy
  • Early iterations used a canvas based "trail" of bubbles, and a fade-in of successive backgrounds - good effects, but probably not realistic on mobile.
  • An actual game would need collision detection and (probably) an objective.

Our major issues and possible solutions:

Performance is choppy on mobile
  • Make a smaller version (300 x 300 or similar)
  • Smaller pngs (50 x 50 max) - use a few stills only - no jquery.jmovie
  • Make the canvas elements smaller 
  • Research canvas redraw optimization -- make sure canvas is cleared each frame

Drag and drop won't work on mobile